Driver Safety Reports for Transport Drivers (Short Haul/Long Haul), Busses, Trains and Taxis are based on extensive research globally for Transport Driver profiles which can be used to help organisations recruit high performing drivers, assist with their induction, provide development and training opportunities to ensure a high performing culture and one that minimises risk for organisations.
An Urban Transport Driver personality profile based on the Talent Click Personality Assessment Inventory accommodates your unique environments.
“Person Fit Profile” reports are available for short and long haul transport drivers based on rigorous performance based research conducted globally.
The percentage of drivers with preventable and unreported accidents decreases with higher levels of fit with the Transport Driver profile.
Transport drivers who receive a Low Fit score on the profile are more than 4 times as likely to have accidents than those who receive a High Fit score.
High performing transport drivers engage in half of the violations that low performers do.
The Urban Transport Driver Safety profile can be used to help organisations recruit high performing drivers, assist with their induction, and tailor their training and development to ensure a high performing culture and one that minimises risk.
With the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator in Australia scrambling to keep drivers safer on the road with laws and enforcement, Driver Safety Quotient™ helps commercial fleets develop safer drivers.
This online employee safety assessment provides employers and their drivers valuable insight into their natural driving styles along with recommendations for developing safer habits while driving.